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I first met Evan in German class during my freshman year of high school. My best friend at the time had an older sister that Evan was friends with. We ran into each other on several occasions, but we really didn't get to know each other until several years later.

The summer of 2012, is when our love story really started. We saw each other much more often, both intentionally and unintentionally. One evening, I stopped at 7Eleven and accidentally locked my keys in the car. Coincidentally, Evan and his friends rode up on their longboards. He was so sweet! We sat on the hood of my car and talked until I was able to get my car unlocked. A few weeks later, Evan invited my best friend and me to his house to play pool. Looking back, I realize that moment is when Diesel fell in love with me. My fate had been sealed. Later on that summer, Evan joined myself and a group of friends and we went to the drive-in movie theater. We were able to watch the first two movies before I fell asleep on Evan's shoulder. Between my snoring and heavy head, Evan wasn't able to see the last movie. Being as clever as he is, he used it as leverage to get another date. Although I was kind of surprised that he still wanted to hangout after I fell asleep on him, I didn't fight him. That was the beginning of a long list of hysterical pickup lines, which came as a close runner up to his fun facts. It’s hard to tell which one won me over. On our official first date, we went to see The Campaign. It was the classic movie date.. We held hands, he casually put his arm around me, and I continuously thought about how I could kiss him without seeming too forward. At the end of the movie, we shared our first kiss. I couldn't stop thinking about him after that. We spent much more time together throughout the remainder of the summer and he finally asked me to be his girlfriend in September of 2012. 

Looking back on the past five years makes me realize that the two of us were meant to be together. He challenges and inspires me every day to be the person I want to be, he has supported me in everything I've done, and showed me a love I could have only dreamed of. He is a man of incredible dedication and I am incredibly excited to see what the rest of our lives have in store for us. 

Brittney and I had overlapping groups for quite a while. We first met when I was doing an independent study for German III, Brittney was in German I and we happened to be in the same room. One of Brittney's good friends I had known for years and was also in German I. During class Brit and I would talk a little but never really got too close. After the school year ended we never kept in contact. Jump ahead three years and through the same mutual friend we began hanging out more frequent. I thought Brittney was cute but wasn't looking for anything serious (Classic last words). So one night the three of us decide to go to the drive-in to meet some people and watch some movies. Brittney thought one of the guys were meeting was cute and wanted to cuddle up with him. We weren't even talking so no skin off my back. Well Brit decided to jump into the back of the pick up over the side... needless to say she didn't stick the landing and nearly broke her face in two. Being a normal person after seeing a head trauma occur I was genuinely concerned while everyone was just brushing it off. So I go and check on her to make sure she is alright. This pulled her away from rando in the truck bed and ended with me giving her a kiss on the nose to "make it all better". She then proceeds to fall asleep on me completely blocking my view. Well the movie was ruined but I saw an opportunity. The next day I sent a text saying that she owes me movie after ruining it for me the night prior, and surprisingly enough IT WORKED! That next weekend we went and saw "The Campaign" her treat :) At the end of the movie while the credits rolled we had our first kiss. From there we took things slow hanging out more frequently until I was lucky enough to make her my girlfriend. As time went on I got to know the real Brittney and what an amazing and caring person she was. She made me smile like no one else does and supported me in ever venture I undertook. Needless to say I finally wised up and realized I need to marry this girl! The rest is history. What started as "nothing serious" is ending with a life partner that is honest, loving, beautiful, fun and many more things that makes my heart smile. She is the someone I'm lucky to build a life with and the only person I want to wake up next to.