Christine & Alex
Christine & Alex

Christine Jang
Alex Park

June 26th 2022
Cancun Mexico
987 Days Ago

Alex and Christine had known each other for a long 14 years as friends, since sophomore year of high school, before officially becoming a couple on December 24th, 2017. In fact, Christine had gotten to know Alex when she first moved down to Houston, Texas from New York in 2007. Fast forward 10 years later - their real story began when they met each other as usual at a mutual friend's birthday party, when Christine had caught Alex's special attention that day. Having known each other for very long but never formally dated, the beginning was, to say the least, rather strange... However, after each passing day spent with each other, the two knew their bond was unbreakable. And now, here they are!


About the Couple/family:

Christine: Christine is a nurse/nurse educator who teaches students how to be the best nurse they can be. When not working hundreds of hours at her job, she enjoys the simple things in life: eating, sleeping, and binge watching movies/shows. She also likes to spend quality time with Alex and Dewey.

Alex: Alex was born and raised in Houston, and proud to be from the great state of Texas. He enjoys playing games or watching movies together with Christine, or fishing on his free time. He also enjoys spending his time with his new puppy, Dewey.

Dewey: Dewey is a fluffy Maltipoo puppy and the newest edition to Alex & Christine's family. Dewey doesn't like to eat but loves to play with everything and anyone. He is a needy pup, but is lucky to have a great Mom and Dad that takes care of him!