Kristen & David
Kristen & David

Our Love

Kristen Godin
David Godin

March 24th 2021
Cap Cana Dominican Republic
1431 Days Ago

Long one, profanities, but imo worth the read if you like love stories. And we kinda need more love in this world. #AllYouNeedisLove

It was my last night in ATL, last day of work at my previous job, 8:45pm, been there for almost 3 weeks, figured I would go to bed and make tomorrow come already. See this guy walking in, I was outside finishing my drink, he had a scally on...who wears a scally in ATL, and I thought, he had some nice arms and a nice butt 🙂 Whatevs, I was resigned to being an old woman with dogs. Bartender came out with a yummy drink for some ppl outside, I said it looked delish.  Mind you, I still text this girl, I was at that hotel many, many stays, great bartender. Anyways, she said I’ll make you one, nah, I’m heading to bed, I’m making you one, nah, just need to cash out, I’ll be in. 

Head into the bah, I see my check, and the drink, free of charge, no way I’ll pass it up. I sat down. See this scally walking towards me a few minutes ladah, my face turned red, I felt it. He says this your big ass bag, oh ya sorry, says can I sit here, sure. Another cat rolls up starts talking about Antonio Brown, of course I had my pats gear on. #GoPats Guy in the scally, chirping in me ear about Brady, cheating, blah blah. Turn to him, say, who the fuck are you in my ear, I’m going out for a cigarette, he says can I grab one, yah I say. 

Spent the entire time talking, getting to know David until bout 4am. Butterflies, dizzy, nervous, scared. Makes me say cah, say it again- cah, again, cah. 😆 Okay. Need to sleep, have a flight!  Start walking in, I ask what room number are you in, says 323, I say fuck you, I’m 324, Place has 600 rooms. 

He is from Ohio, me from Mass, met in GA...we fell in love that night, and haven’t stopped falling in love. It’s our love, it’s crazy..... I went back to see him two days later.I was woken up with flowers one of those mornings ❤️