|  |  | Tomeika is an amazing woman. She contributes so much selflessly. Not only does she work with the smallest of us a NICU nurse, she volunteers as well as works with several charities. She will walk a 5k, donate her time and so much more to worthy causes. She is a great and loyal friend to many. A listener and an awesome counselor. Her grounded down to earth nature is balanced by her lively free spirit and her zany sense of humor. She will hop on a flight to any corner of the earth to enjoy all that life has to offer. She's a blessing to all who know her as a daughter, sister, confidant, and friend. Her smile lights up a room just like it lights up my life... -JB Horne
 |  | While he can be a bit over the top, Jahi is a fun loving life of the party who will go to the ends of the earth for those he cares about. His motto of work hard, play harder can be seen every day. Seeing the world before the lights go out is all his heart desires. He's a father, consigliere, jokester, foodie and tequila loving amigo. He has a huge heart and is passionate about all life has to offer.
-Tomeika Arnold |